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Sleep schedule week 2

This week has not been going well at all. I had an interview for a job I really wanted. In the nervous waiting game that followed my sleep schedule fell apart. The earliest rise 9.30 am followed by the latest rise at 11.30 am. It’s been rough but tomorrow is Monday and I’m back on it again!

It’s been a mental downtime. Thus the main challenge of doing the finding myself has been postponed. I will still be trying to create as much content here as possible about how I am coping and improving. But after 200+ job applications, I am mentally shattered. I might put up a bigger post about the struggles of finding work in the near future.

Times are tough but I still feel a creative urge. I am looking into different ways of presenting this project such as audio or video. It’s still in the early thinking stages but if I start to feel more human there might be a video soon(ish).

Until then, stay safe, drink water and stay out of trouble.

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